How To Know If You Are Grinding Your Teeth And Tips On How To Stop
Anxiety and stress are related to teeth grinding. Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding commonly happens during sleep. It can also happen when one is concentrating or under immense stress.
It is easy for you to tell if someone is experiencing teeth grinding through teeth that are worn down. There’s usually increased sensitivity when this occurs. The loss of teeth can also be experienced during this phase.
Teeth grinding can also lead to headaches and facial pain. These disappear once you stop grinding your teeth. They occur concurrently with the grinding process. This pain may also be experienced within jaws and the neck.
You can also tell that you grind your teeth if you wake up regularly during sleep. Grinding is usually loud enough leading to discomfort. It may also wake your sleeping partner.
Loose, chipped, flattened and fractured teeth are telltale signs of teeth grinding. Inner and deeper layers of your teeth might be visible due to this. The enamel of the tooth is worn out during this process.
Teeth grinding makes jaw muscles become tighter. You may experience difficulties when opening your mouth since these jaws are locked. The jaw muscles are usually tired. Swelling can also be witnessed on the jaws.
Earaches are also experienced due to teeth grinding. There is usually no problem with the ears during such times. Pain experienced is caused by the grinding of teeth.
It is important for you to ensure that your oral health is on point. Teeth grinding can severely damage your teeth. It is important for you to seek help once you realize that you grind your teeth. Such help will lead to the containment of this condition.
A dentist should be consulted for a comprehensive evaluation. He or she can be able to diagnose teeth grinding. A treatment plan can then be developed. The following tips can be applied to help stop teeth grinding:
1. A night guard is the best way to help in the stoppage of teeth grinding. This appliance should be worn for teeth protection. Such an appliance is usually custom made. Plastics are fitted over teeth to prevent collisions.
It is worn during bedtime. It is able to reduce the pains experienced within the muscles of the jaws. This protects both the upper and lower teeth.
2. Exercising can help in the containment of grinding. Stress is one of the causes that lead to bruxism. These exercises help in the reduction of stress. This, in turn, reduces the risk of teeth grinding.
3. Bathing with warm water before sleeping can help in the relaxation of jaw muscles. You can also apply warm water on a towel and rub it onto your jaws. Heating pads ensure that moist heat penetrates better into the body. This can be very effective when dealing with grinding.
4. Anxiety can lead to you experiencing grinding during sleep. For you to reduce this anxiety, you need to relax. This makes you calm and reduces the chances of grinding your teeth while asleep.
5. Alcohol and caffeine can worsen your grinding. They increase the chances of you experiencing this while asleep. Avoid taking alcohol or coffee during the evenings or at night before sleep.
6. Chewing habits need to be put in check. It is advisable for you not to chew anything that isn’t food. Items such as pencils and pens need not be chewed. This increases the likelihood of grinding since the muscles of the jaws get fond of clenching.
7. A massage helps to relax the body. Massaging your jaw muscles will achieve the same effect. Rub your muscles gently in times of stress.
8. Seeking help can help to reduce severe anxiety. There may be a need for you to talk to a therapist during such times. He or she may help you deal with your anxiety. This, in turn, may lead to a reduction in grinding.
There are various ways in which you can know whether or not you grind your teeth. Grinding can be very damaging to your teeth. Discomfort and pain can be experienced through grinding.
Remedies to help to stop and contain grinding need to be applied. They will help you to realize the benefits of its containment. Help and advice should be sought from your dentist to come up with solutions that will work for you.